Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Afternoon Sketch: Self Portrait

Self portrait, 2010 8"x10", oil on canvas board

2pm - original sketch with high-tech mirror set-up.

2:22pm The initial blocks of color always looks pretty crappy.

2:43pm Starting to fill out the rest of the face - started to realize that I have a really sad expression on my face. I suppose "concentrated" and "sad" overlap in my arsenal of facial expressions.  Decided that I would not change this at that point, but made a mental note to try and not look depressed the next time I try this exercise. 

3:27pm "Finishing" touches. I'm going to have to try doing this again sometime - what an interesting way to objectify your own face. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Things you do not want to mix up:

Paint brush sitting in odorless mineral spirits 
with spoon sitting in Chocolate Soy Ice Cream. 

Sheryl WuDunn: Our century's greatest injustice

The Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Sheryl WuDunngives a compelling speech on the importance of gender equity gerneally, but most specifically in the developing world. "It may well be that the highest return on investment in the developing world is the investment in girls' education"

Friday, August 13, 2010

"Si amoureux/se de toi" Campaign launch August 14th

Photo: VDireck/Vanessa Dorvily
As part of the Community Cocktail held during Montreal's Pride Celebrations, Photographer Vanessa Dorvily and the Quebec Gay and Lesbian Council (Le Conseil québécois des gais et lesbiennes - CQGL) will be launching a post card campaign entitled "So in love with you" or "Si amoureux/se de toi." The campaign features images captured by Vanessa of a diverse range of queer couples - and my lovely partner and I are one of the couples that are part of the campaign. 

It will be possible to both have a cocktail and pick up some of these postcards on August 14th at 18h30 au Cabaret Mado (1115 rue Ste-Catherine East).

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dog Portrait: Hector

Hector and his tongue, 2010 8"x10" oil on canvas board

Another quick sketch or another small dog. Hector is a black pug - he might be a mix of some kind. He has a tongue too great for his mouth, so it's pretty well always sticking out. He's sweet and funny looking, both excellent qualities in a small dog. 

Here are a few of the steps that brought me to this little sketch:

Drawing 3:46pm. Not much to look at. I don't draw much in terms of details, as my painting style isn't at all like my drawing style, so I don't commit too much time to this. I like to start with a base color that will contrast what I might imagine to be the more interesting of the subject colors. I thought Hector might look good in a blue/purple coat, thus the yellow base coat.  

 First steps: 4:18pm - cover in the background spaces (just happened to be in another kind of yellow, for fun) and started laying down most of the darker stuff.

Middle steps: 4:42pm - more of same, started introducing some layers of color, as the early steps always look so ugly, and this layering gives me some hope that the sketch might look half-decent upon completion.

Finishing touches: 5:31pm - play with lights and darks, revisit background. Voila - little dog sketch. 

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010